If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to know what steps to take after your accident. There is no single best way to handle an accident, because the specifics of each case can vary so much. However, there are some important things that you can do immediately after the incident that can be useful regarding motorcycle accidents.
The first thing you should do if you are involved in an accident is to call 911. No matter how minor the accident may seem, until emergency officials have checked everything out, no one will know whether anyone will require medical attention. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Colorado may advise that you should stay at the accident scene, even if a peace officer on the scene does not require you to. It’s always better to request a peace officer escort than to leave.
Following the accident, you should exchange information with the other party and any witnesses. You’ll want their name, address, and phone number, and you should also ask for their insurance carrier. Insurance companies will be involved in almost every motorcycle accident case, so it’s important for anyone who was involved in the crash to get their information as soon as possible.
If your motorcycle was damaged during the accident, take photos before moving it anywhere. Your motorcycle may need to be repaired or even replaced, and documenting its condition before anything is moved will help when dealing with insurance companies later on.
If you were not at fault, you should contact your insurance company and follow their instructions for reporting the accident. This may involve letting your insurance company know exactly where you were during the accident, which can sometimes be difficult to determine. Motorcycle accident lawyer Colorado recommends that you write down the time and place exactly where you were when the accident happened so that the other party does not doubt the situation.
If there is any damage resulting from this accident, your liability may be in question. Your insurance company will ask if you have any witnesses or other evidence that might prove their claim against you. Also, they may want to check with other motorists who have been stopped by accident at some point during its course. Any tape-recording equipment should also be checked for potential use in court.
To protect yourself from false accusations about your part in an accident, you must record any conversations with insurance companies or police officers concerning the accident. You can use tape recording equipment if necessary.
If you are not at fault, try to file a police report as soon as possible. This will be more likely to protect you against false accusations, especially if the damage is minor and the reporting process can be completed before the insurance adjusters arrive. Police reports would be important sources of information regarding your conduct after an accident, especially if you were driving your vehicle at the time.
Ask witnesses who might have been present during the accident to look at any damage they noticed. Get written affidavits from them describing what they saw and heard without anyone knowing beforehand.
If your motorcycle was damaged in an accident, you should immediately try to get it repaired at a repair shop. If it’s too badly damaged to be repaired, you should find a reputable salvage yard and ask them to evaluate the damage. If they agree with your estimate, they can take back your two-wheeled automobile and attempt their repairs.